Located at Tx A&M RELLIS Campus (formerly referred to as Riverside Campus), TTI’s Pavement Profiler Evaluation center had been arranged to aid in the analysis, help and utilization of profiling services and products, technology and initiatives. At first built in 1999, the center has actually a 2000-ft long dense-graded hot-mix asphalt (HMA) test track upon which inertial profiler certifications are conducted to aid condition implementation of trip specs and pavement management tasks. With money through the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), the Texas division of transport (TxDOT), in addition to Tx A&M transport Institute, two additional test tracks were integrated 2013 that added continuously strengthened tangible pavement (CRCP) and open-graded HMA parts where inertial profiler evaluations may be conducted. In 2015, the Tx A&M Transportation Institute included another part with a stone-matrix asphalt (SMA) surface. Over the years, the center has been utilized to test inertial profilers from U.S. state divisions of transportation, FHWA, profile equipment makers, and international consulting organizations.