Features and Benefits
Guided by a 2D research or 3D design model, Trimble Paving Control techniques will allow you to:
- Lay the completed area with accuracy to 0.01 foot (3 millimeters)
- Reduce usage of costly material
- Pave within a stronger threshold and acquire closer to the minimal asphalt width specification
- Lower labor costs by controlling the screed with one operator
- Eliminate operator mistakes utilizing the easy-to-use show interface
- Lay complex styles such as for example changes, super-elevated curves and frequently changing cross slopes
- Achieve reliability and smoothness requirements, that may suggest a more impressive extra
PCS900 3D
The Trimble PCS900 3D Paving Control program enables you to precisely control the screed to pave with adjustable depth and pitch centered on a 3D design.
- Take-out high and reasonable places at the beginning of the method with all the inexpensive first level materials
- Increase roadway smoothness while using the less asphalt than with standard paving methods
- Achieve accuracy and smoothness specifications, that could mean extra income
- Eradicate the time consuming and pricey step of setting-out stringline
Pave to a Design
The Trimble PCS900 system leverages the Trimble SPS930 Universal complete facility, MT900 Machine Target and on-board pc software examine the specific screed position and pitch utilizing the 3D electronic design. It instantly guides the screed to set precisely the right product thickness and pitch.
PCS400 2D
Trimble PCS400 Paving Control System makes use of a 2D mention of the pave with a hard and fast depth. This is why the PCS400 a fantastic, less expensive option for roadways which were graded or milled utilizing 3D machine control.
Exterior Reference
Each side of the paver is typically built with one sonic tracer or with three sonic tracers mounted on an averaging beam. These sonic tracers deliver numerous sonic indicators to reference from the current area and determine the average height for paving a smooth surface.
Stringline Reference
The ST200 sonic tracer are configured to use stringline as a reference range to regulate the paver. In this mode the sonic tracer will determine any horizontal movement for the machine relative to the stringline. As soon as the sonic tracer's center is leaving the stringline, the control package alerts both you and provides correction guidance.
Slope Sensor Reference
The PCS400 system may also utilize the Trimble AS200 Angle Sensor to reference the desired cross-slope associated with roadway. Designed especially for asphalt pavers, the sensor rarely requires recalibration and paves cross mountains of up to 0.5percent precisely and consistently.