JCB Compactor

April 19, 2018

Like all our compaction rollers, the JCB VM 132D vibrating roller has-been created after a period of substantial buyer consultation. That means we’ve built the device our customers have been requesting.

An excellent framework provides exceptional body weight distribution and axles are super-strong, making the JCB VM 132D drum roller ideal for heavy-duty construction jobs. The entire framework is intelligently fashioned with front-to-back oscillation for extra stability, there’s a flush finish for confined conditions, a large fuel container, and a sophisticated traction control system provides great gradability.

This vibrating roller additionally overcomes one of the greatest problems with standard compaction equipment: over-compaction. The Automatic Vibration Control (AVC) switches off vibration whenever drive lever is is natural place. That means smooth and perfect finish also at the layer comes to an end.

Our revolutionary optional Compatronic system makes use of a drum-mounted accelerating sensor determine motions during compaction, sending information loss-free towards the operator’s in-cab show. As a result, operators can now receive precise information on vibrator frequency, jump operation and relative compaction values. Information thickness is also assessed and, once the maximum thickness is reached, the operator is informed via artistic LEDs.

Finest in class compaction comes as standard in the JCB VM 132D vibrating roller.

Every aspect of the JCB VM 132D vibrating roller is designed to do reliably.

Over-dimensioned elements offer extra durability and paid down fix prices. Our earth compactor range also features a maintenance-free, lifetime-lubricated articulation joint, to lessen downtime and servicing costs and all sorts of our devices are tested and tuned on our manufacturing line before delivery.

The drums on our compaction rollers have pre-loaded rubber buffers to protect drum and hydraulic engine alike from axial pressures. A JCB drum roller in addition features a heavy-duty, maintenance-free center joint to lessen downtime and servicing expenses.

As soon as the time does come for a routine service, you’ll find all components on a JCB VM 132D vibrating roller are often available, a few of them through the centralised service place (containing hydraulic methods and towing pumps). The high amount gasoline and hydraulic tanks tend to be side-by-side (and well-protected) underneath the hydraulically-lifted bonnet.

To really make the JCB VM 132D vibrating roller as productive as you are able to, you will need to make the operator as productive (therefore comfortable) possible.

That’s why we’ve designed the taxi and working environment of this drum roller becoming ergonomic and comfortable. Driver stands and cabins are easily accessible from both sides associated with the machine additionally the inside is large and intuitively designed.

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